Archive for the 'Roots' Category


Mr. and Mrs G ~ A Chilly Day to say “I Do” ~ {Roots, Wedding}

It was a bit of a chilly day in October when this lovely couple said “I Do”. It was a perfect day full of just the right amount of cloud and the perfect amount of emotion as this family came together as one.

Thank you for an evening full of emotion and love. I wish you a long and healthy life of happiness as a family for many, many years to come.


An October Wedding ~ Mr and Mrs. M. ~ {Roots, Wedding}

One year ago I met with a beautiful couple. This couple described their nuttiness for Nintendo, World of Warcraft and their love for each other. They have been together for several years and this October they became a unit and planted their roots and plan to start a family one day. S and L met at a beautiful outdoor location and exchanged their vows in front of the people they love. It was a beautiful cloudy, sunny, yellow, leafy sort of day.

Here is their story.

Thank you to Linda from LMK Photography for lending your talent and capturing this day with me.

Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. M. for inviting me to capture this day for you. Please love and cherish your photos for years to come.


Engagement in the Snow ~ {Roots}

I am thankful for having such a fun loving couple to work with recently. We experienced a lot of snow and then a lot of melting. Then the Thursday and Friday before the session we got a LOT of snow again. I scouted some locations and managed to find a lot of puddles hidden under the fresh fallen snow and I should have worn boots, NOT my shoes! All the snow in April did not deter us from this session. I think it may have enhanced the experience and provided a beautiful landscape for the session.

C and J met me at the park for the session. I knew I was walking into a session where the couple was about to have some fun. Look at this beautiful couple and their chemistry together.

C and J enjoy camping so we decided to incorporate some camping images. I think the theme worked well even in the snow.

I must extend a huge thank you to C and J for their patience in the deep snow and a tire change. Enjoy your sneak peek.


Mr and Mrs. Q ~ {Roots}

Mr and Mrs Q, otherwise known as my sister and brother-in-law, were married on the beach. I was the part-time photographer as it is very difficult to be in the wedding and capture the wedding. I did enjoy capturing images from the reception and details. Congratulations you two.


Mr and Mrs. K ~ {Roots}

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. K. on the beginning of their lifelong journey together. Mr. and Mrs. K. recently married on his parents land. I must say it was a hot and humid afternoon and the setting was beautiful. A pond, a wagon and a drive canopied by trees.

The ceremony was lovely and full of love.

After the ceremony we ventured around the property to capture the bridal party.

The bride and groom now had their time to shine. They brought out some great smiles, kisses and even a little bit of fun.

Love was in the air and I was honoured to be a part of your day. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to experience your wedding day.


Joined Love ~ {Roots}

There is just something that warms my heart when I witness two people who join hands and say “I do”. The love seems fresh and passionate.

I am very thankful for being a part of Mr and Mrs K’s special day. I feel so happy as I work on editing their beautiful day. I just had to share the official first kiss.


I am back!

I have now returned from my much-needed family time. My girls enjoyed many picnics, playing in the park, trying new games and flying a kite. I feel that the family has restored balance and I am fresh and ready to capture your bites of life.

Fall is soon approaching and I do encourage you to book your session soon in order for the best selection of session dates and times. Last year I also had to turn some clients away due to Apple Fresh being booked up. November 27th will be my last session before Christmas. This will ensure all orders to be fulfilled and returned to my clients on time. I will also have some promotions on specialty products in the coming months and these items always make great Christmas gifts.

I must say that I had become stressed knowing that my sister’s wedding was approaching and I wasn’t even sure my girls had nylons for their special appointment of flower-girls. I was also the maid of honour and the roots revisited photographer. There will be some updates made to the blog this week. I also look forward to my upcoming sessions and a wedding within the coming weeks.

I will leave you now with a couple of images from the roots revisited session with my sister.


Mr and Mrs. M tie the knot ~ {Roots}

Meet Mr. and Mrs. M.

You may remember G and T from their e-session. The June date arrived and it was overcast, chilly and complete with a chance of rain. The bride arrived just on time, five minutes early, but where was the mother of the bride? Back at the hotel! This is how the day started at a small, old church in Westlock.

G and T embraced in a kiss after being warned by the minister to leave enough photographic opportunities for their guests.

Mr. and Mrs. M. are a fun couple. I am sure you will enjoy these images from their day.

Congratulations to laying down your roots and starting the journey of marriage. I am thankful for being a part of your day and enjoying your laughter, calmness and willingness to participate with me, your photographer. Thank you!


D and A say “I do”

It had been a very smoky week due to the BC fires and the wind blowing it our way.  Magic happened for D and A as the smoke started to clear and the sun actually peaked through the smoke on their wedding day. Rain had lessened the smoke a bit but was still forecast for later that day. It turned out to be a beautiful overcast day with diffused light.

I was a second photographer for Reanna of Blackbird photography and I thank her for inviting me along. D and A have such great humour and love that it was an honor to witness their wedding day. Dr. Seuss was read at the wedding and many tears were shared. They will share a lifetime of laughter and love.


A Perfect Beginning – Mr. & Mrs. O.

I have not seen M. since we took some workshops together a year ago. It was great to see her again and a pleasure to have the opportunity to help capture her day. Thank you to Hope Walls for inviting me to assist.

Mr. & Mrs. O. had perfect weather on their wedding day. As any Albertan knows we have been suffering from lots of rain and thunderstorms over the past few weeks.  This lucky couple were blessed with a sunny, warm day and a few clouds.

Mr. & Mrs. O. got hitched in their very own yard. The bride arrived by horse and carriage and walked right up to her smiling husband-to-be. M and B I wish you a long life of love, happiness and laughter. Oh, and cute, happy babies.


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
June 2024