Archive for the 'Fresh Apples' Category


Little E. meets his big sister ~ {Fresh Apple}

Mr E. was welcomed by big sister, Mommy and Daddy.

Meet Mr. E.

Meet his loving big sister.

Mommy and Daddy glow with love for their little ones.

Enjoy your little ones.


Mr. A. has arrived ~ {Fresh Apple}

A short time ago I photographed Mr. and Mrs. H. as they prepared for the arrival of Mr. A. Well he has arrived. He has made a big impact in a short period of time and has stolen two hearts.

Meet Mr. A.

He will be hugged, cuddled and kissed for many days, weeks, months and years to come.

Enjoy this little guy.


Miss V. is New ~ {Fresh Apple}

Meet Little Miss V.

She is the little sister with a lot of cuddles.

Miss V is loved by all in this family. She receives many kisses from her big sister.

Enjoy watching this little one grow alongside her big sister.


Little Ballerina ~ {Fresh Apple}

Meet Little Miss. She is precious.

She is loved by her family.

Little Miss is practicing ballet, smiling and stealing your heart.

Enjoy watching her grow.


Miss E is a Delight ~ {Fresh Apple, Newborn}

Little Miss E made an early entrance into the world, as she came a few weeks early. She was eager to meet Mom and Dad. She has dainty little fingers and toes and a head of hair in a wonderful colour. I am sure it will not take long for Mom to start putting ponytails and braids in her little one’s hair. I was very pleased with her debut as she was an excellent model following the rules of sleeping and posing. She even managed to place herself in some poses of her very own.

Here she is.

She has been loved very much by several important people that will surely miss the time apart from her. However, I am sure Mom and Dad will cherish every minute and be sure to share with everyone near and far.

It is always a hoot to party but this little owl is ready for a good long rest.

Thank you for inviting me into your home to document this precious time in your lives. I hope to watch Little Miss E. grow. Enjoy your photos.


Miss K meets her Family ~ {Fresh Apple}

A short time ago Miss K. made her entrance a few days early. She was eager to meet her big brother and her family. After all who has been poking her these past few months? She was curious. Meet little Miss K, with her beautiful set of locks.

Meet her loving family.

We made it through the session quite successfully, even though big brother had other plans. As you can see he came around. Thank you for inviting me into your home to capture these memories.


Mr. K. is welcomed lovingly by his sisters ~ {Fresh Apple}

Mr. K. was welcomed into the world back in April. I was delighted to hear the family had welcomed a son as he would have two big sisters to love him. K. has a great head of hair, cute little feet, tiny fingers and the most gorgeous hair colour.


OH NO, we have a brother!


BUT, we LOVE him!

Thank you for the amazing opportunity of photographing your loving family once again. Enjoy your sweet little man and watching the sisterly love grow for their little brother.


Little Brother L. ~ {Fresh Apple, Apple Tree}

I have watched this family grow from 1 to 3 children. I have felt so blessed meeting this wonderful family. The newest addition was Mr. L back in December. I am not sure how I missed blogging him but at least he made a debut on Facebook back in December.

Let’s meet this little fella.

I am happy to have met this little guy. I am sure he was cuddled lots over the holidays by lots of family.


Miss O makes her debut ~ {Fresh Apples, Newborns}

I had met her Mom and Dad a year or two previously and then reconnected with them for a maternity session. The anticipation built as I prepared to meet Miss. O. Did she have a full head of hair? Did she have a sweet smile? Is she going to be a girly girl? or a Tom Boy? She has a world full of possibilities ahead of her. She will have a great role model as her Mom is a firefighter. Miss. O. may grow up with the knowledge that she can do anything she puts her mind to, works hard and never gives up.

From Fresh Apple ~ Miss. O.

Thank you for having me over to meet sweet little O. and watch your family grow.


Mr O. is happy ~ {Fresh Apple}

It was a surprise to hear the H. family had welcomed a new baby boy. I was delighted to be welcomed back into their home to meet their newest addition. Let’s meet the family.

Mr. O is two weeks new. He is not wanting to miss a thing but happily enjoyed the session. I witnessed a yawn, smile, squishy face and many more. Mr O. has many sweet faces in which to enjoy. I think all little boys like trains and most like hats so hopefully Mr O. will grow into the theme of this session.

And of course some toes.

Mr O. loves his family time cuddles. As do Mom, Dad and Big Sister E.

Big Sister E. was a bit hesitant but after a while she was happy to play “Where’s the Monkey?” with me.

Thank you for the opportunity to capture these fresh, crisp, bites of your life that you will cherish forever. Enjoy!


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
June 2024