Archive for the 'Cake Smash' Category


Mr. L. Turns One in Style ~ {Little Apple, Cake Smash}

Mr. L. is about to turn 1. He has mastered many new skills over the last year. He is adorable with a great smile and has some fashion sense. This year he may encounter a few more sibling arguments over toys but for now he does not mind sharing. Meet Mr L.

Thank you for sharing this memorable day with me.


Little A. Samples Cake ~ {Cake Smash}

Little A. was in for a bit of delight. Mom made her a pretty, pink cake just her size. It was covered with yummy icing and it was all for A. I think A. enjoyed it enough but the sweetness was a bit overwhelming. Let’s just say she enjoyed it like a little lady would have. Happy First Birthday A!


Little O Turns 1 ~ {Little Apple, Cake Smash}

I reconnected with Little O and his family for the celebration of his first birthday. It has been a year since I have seen this family. You may remember Little O.

Well he certainly has changed. He now has blond hair, but that is okay because it still sticks up like it was styled. He is a sweet little guy with big brown eyes and a sweet smile.

Being that Mom and Dad both work in the construction field we have tied in the theme since he loves trucks.

Little O. loves his family and his family loves him.

The session wrapped up with a cake smash. Little O. smashed his truck cake to pieces. It really was a construction zone. I think this series of images tells the story.

Thank you for inviting me to capture these special bites of your life. It was a smashing time reconnecting with you. I look forward to seeing you again. I am sure you enjoyed this sneak peek.


A. turns 1 with a Smash! ~ {Little Apple}

You may remember Little A. from his 6 month session a while back. Well this little guy has now turned 1.

He really likes a LOT of things. Sitting is not really a favourite of his. I chased this guy, moved quickly and drew his attention with his favourite toys. He loves his stuffed lion, blocks, books, balls, crawling, balloons, Mommy, Daddy, fuzzy things, his blanket and more.

But I think he likes his birthday cupcake the BEST! At least today.

Thank you for the opportunity to capture the fresh, crisp, bites of your life as Little A turns 1. I enjoyed the challenge moveable little A presented. Enjoy your session gallery.


Unstoppable Little K {Little Apple, Cake Smash}

Happy Birthday Little K.

Little K is definitely a mover. I was warned that she may be difficult because she never sits still. I thought she’s probably not that bad and I will get her to sit. Wrong! She definitely was unstoppable. It did not matter what book, flower, blanket, Easter egg, favorite Elmo, balloons, or even giving her a cake, I could not convince her to stay still for longer than 30-60 seconds. She made me work and every image was worth the hustle to compose and capture her. I did bring one of the perfect objects with me that definitely grabbed her attention. Little K I love that you love my tire. I brought it in and placed it on the floor and she gravitated to it and crawled into it on her own more than twice.

I love her goofiness and everything else that goes along with her personality. I love the way her hair has changed over the year. I love how her smile and her big eyes light up. She is so busy with life and a joyful little girl.

Mommy and Daddy made a beautiful little ladybug cake for her first birthday. At first she stared at her cake and when Mommy said “K bite it” she just bent down and took a bite. She got a little overwhelmed but soon she was smearing it on the floor, picking the cake up, eating it and stepping on it. After twenty minutes the floor was a mess and Little K was ready for her nap. Little K is such a busy girl that she needs her nap to regain all her energy.

I am happy to have been a part of her life and her family for the last year. Little K you are a special little girl. Thank you for being you.


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
June 2024