Archive for January, 2014


Miss O makes her debut ~ {Fresh Apples, Newborns}

I had met her Mom and Dad a year or two previously and then reconnected with them for a maternity session. The anticipation built as I prepared to meet Miss. O. Did she have a full head of hair? Did she have a sweet smile? Is she going to be a girly girl? or a Tom Boy? She has a world full of possibilities ahead of her. She will have a great role model as her Mom is a firefighter. Miss. O. may grow up with the knowledge that she can do anything she puts her mind to, works hard and never gives up.

From Fresh Apple ~ Miss. O.

Thank you for having me over to meet sweet little O. and watch your family grow.


A warmer day in November with the B. Family ~ {Apple Tree, Family}

On a warmer day in November with the sun shining I met the B. family in the park. We decided the boys loved hockey, snow, sledding and of course anything fun. We spent just enough time outside to turn the boys cheeks rosy and to capture the fun loving spirit of this family.

Thank you for inviting me out to the park to meet and entertain your boys. I enjoyed the morning in the snow. Enjoy your memories for years to come.


Mr. and Mrs G ~ A Chilly Day to say “I Do” ~ {Roots, Wedding}

It was a bit of a chilly day in October when this lovely couple said “I Do”. It was a perfect day full of just the right amount of cloud and the perfect amount of emotion as this family came together as one.

Thank you for an evening full of emotion and love. I wish you a long and healthy life of happiness as a family for many, many years to come.


Mother and Daughter ~ {Apple Tree, Little Apple}

Love is always apparent between Mother and Daughter. This team of ladies are part of my extended family. We had fun in the leaves, moustache wearing and enjoying the fall weather.

Thank you for being a great sport with the moustaches and enjoying a cool day in the fall leaves.


An October Wedding ~ Mr and Mrs. M. ~ {Roots, Wedding}

One year ago I met with a beautiful couple. This couple described their nuttiness for Nintendo, World of Warcraft and their love for each other. They have been together for several years and this October they became a unit and planted their roots and plan to start a family one day. S and L met at a beautiful outdoor location and exchanged their vows in front of the people they love. It was a beautiful cloudy, sunny, yellow, leafy sort of day.

Here is their story.

Thank you to Linda from LMK Photography for lending your talent and capturing this day with me.

Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. M. for inviting me to capture this day for you. Please love and cherish your photos for years to come.


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
January 2014