Archive for July, 2013


Planning Ahead and Christmas Cutoff Dates

Thanks for stopping by Apple Fresh. I have been busy and recently updated the blog with some of my sessions. I still have to post the Relay for Life, a wedding and a couple of babies.

I am starting to pre-plan for the fall and the busy season of photo sessions. I would like to take a moment to say that October is already booked. I have left only a few spaces for newborns as I know some clients wait until their baby arrives to book a photo session. September usually gets busy with back to school and fall/winter activities and registration and your family session may be forgotten. My suggestion is to pre-plan and book your session now. Just as you may start to think of buying school supplies, planning daycare or looking for activities to do with your children, think about your photographs. Are you planning to update your family photo to send out to friends or family? Are you considering sending out a photo with your Christmas card this year? Maybe you missed out last year? You can contact Apple Fresh and reserve a session date now for August, September or November. November 30th is the cutoff for family sessions. Product orders must be in prior to November 22nd to guarantee Christmas delivery. Only maternity and newborn sessions are held in December.

This year I may hold Mini Sessions. I have not settled on any details, a date or location. If you are interested in a studio Christmas mini session please notify me at with the title “Mini Session”. If I have enough interest I will arrange an indoor mini session date which will include Christmas cards as part of the package.

I hope you are having a great summer.

~ Helena


Meet the B. Family ~ {Apple Tree}

I met the B. Family a while back. I admit I have been behind in blogging. It was a beautiful day with some sun and clouds. The mosquitoes were out but they were not overly bothersome.

Meet the B. Family.

The kids had fun and showed some of their personalities.

Thank you for inviting me to meet your family and capture this time in your lives. I had a fun afternoon in the park. Enjoy!


Mr L., my nephew ~ {Fresh Apple}

Mr L. made his entrance into the world in the wee hours of the morning. He was welcomed by Mommy and Daddy with tremendous amounts of love. He has moments where he just takes everything in and moments where he is so peaceful.

Meet Mr. L.

Meet his family.

It was an honor and a privilege to capture newborn images of my nephew. After all they could have had any photographer capture their memories but they trusted me. Thank you K and L. He may not be my first nephew, or niece, but he lives close enough that I do see him often. He has already changed so much.


Curious Miss R. ~ {Fresh Apple}

I was invited to meet Miss R a while back. She was not wanting to miss a single moment. Meet Miss R.

She has been welcomed with loving arms by her Mom, Dad and big brother B.

As she grows they may not remember her head of hair or her tiny feet, so I have left them with a visual memory for years down the road.

“Goodbye and thanks for visiting me.” ~ Miss R.

Thank you for inviting me to capture these beautiful memories for you.


Mr. A Snuggles ~ {Fresh Apple}

Mr. A is the second baby welcomed into this wonderful family. Mom and Dad now have two boys full of curiosity. During the session Little A. did not want to sleep very well. I think he knew someone new was around and he did not want to miss a thing.

Meet Mr. A.

Meet his wrinkly toes, his hands and other bits.

He is welcomed into one loving family.

Thank you for inviting me to meet your newest addition.


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
July 2013