Archive for June, 2011


Catching Up!

I know it has been a while since the blog has been updated. I hope the four newest posts will help fulfill some of your curiousity as to what I have been busy doing lately.

June is always a busy month as school comes to an end, birthday parties, father’s day, my wedding anniversary, planting/weeding the yard and garden and much more. My two girls are begging me to stay home for just one afternoon and not drag them around. I would not change this month for anything because my life and photography this month have been very fulfilling. I am incredibly happy with all the personal achievements this month. I am incredibly thankful for all the wonderful children and families that I have met, or re-connected with and photographed this month. Each one has made my heart smile and allowed my photography skills to grow. I am so proud to be able to share my creativity with you.

I stil have more posts to come as I still have a bit more catching up to do. The Edmonton Relay for Life, a sweet 16 month little girl, a wedding and some fantastic Organic Bloom frames will grace the blog in the next week or so.

I am starting to book into August so please consider booking your fall photos early. I look forward to seeing many more smiling faces and happy families.


Baby I is sleepless ~ {Fresh Apple}

Baby I is small but not so small at 9 pounds. She was sweet and wide awake for the entire session. She has a little bit of dark hair, squishy cheeks and perfect lips.

Baby yawns are sweet but aren’t sneezes just as awesome?

Baby I has become part of a loving family. She has been blessed with a sweet sister. Sisterly kisses are so sweet. I bet you will agree.

Mom and Dad are proud of their little one and I am sure you will agree.

Thank you I and K for inviting me to meet your newest addition. You are truly blessed with two little girls.


Little C is full of smiles ~ {Little Apple}

I first met Little C at this session. He instantly captivated me with his huge eyes and big smile. Sometimes little ones meet me with a shy disposition and it takes some play time with me for them to realize I am just a friend. Little C greeted me with huge smiles and curiosity even though he was just woke up from his afternoon nap. Here is an image of this little man crawling over to check out my camera.

It did not take long for him to smile at me and capture me with his charm. I am sure you have been captivated by the above image of Little C.

Little C is definitely a happy little man who enjoys exploring new things. A camera, a bird, standing, music, water and rocks are all great things to him.

Thank you to A and M for sharing your little bundle of joy with me. I look forward to seeing you again in August.


Little A is precious ~ {Little Apple}

Little A is 16 months and is just precious. This little girl has the biggest blue eyes, a cute little dimple and curly blonde hair. I love her smile and personality. Little A is a very curious little girl who was very interested in seeing her picture on the back of my camera and pushing the buttons. She is a mover and didn’t stay in any spot very long. I do believe that her infectious personality has been captured. Thanks to I and K for inviting me to capture your little girl once again. She really brings a smile to my face and leaves me full of joy.


Baby B is camera shy – {Fresh Apple}

Baby B is a sweet little man. The first time I met him he had a little bit of hair and a gorgeous dimple in his cheek. He gave me sweet expressions for only about 10 minutes and then he cried and cried. He was a grumpy little man that day and so we rescheduled. Here are a few images from the first session.

The second session went better. I think Baby B was okay with the camera the second time. In the week between the sessions he lost the hair on the top of his head. He was in a much better mood but he definitely let me know when he had enough of me. I think Baby B was just trying to keep me on my toes. He has sweet little feet, tiny little hands and the cutest dimple. He will capture the hearts of many.

Thank you J and BĀ for inviting me into your home to meet your little man. Enjoy your gallery!


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
June 2011