Archive for September, 2010


D and A say “I do”

It had been a very smoky week due to the BC fires and the wind blowing it our way.  Magic happened for D and A as the smoke started to clear and the sun actually peaked through the smoke on their wedding day. Rain had lessened the smoke a bit but was still forecast for later that day. It turned out to be a beautiful overcast day with diffused light.

I was a second photographer for Reanna of Blackbird photography and I thank her for inviting me along. D and A have such great humour and love that it was an honor to witness their wedding day. Dr. Seuss was read at the wedding and many tears were shared. They will share a lifetime of laughter and love.


Baby C is Tired Out!

Meet Baby C.

Baby C was a great little guy to work with. He is 17 days young and slept when I wanted him to sleep. Baby C was pretty content during our session and only stopped for one small feeding and some snuggles from Mommy. It is hard work being such a great model that this little guy was tired out and I had just the right size tire for him to snuggle in. I’m sure this is quite the surprise to Daddy as he was only able to participate in the first part of the session. Thanks for allowing me to spend my sunday morning with Baby C. The weather was warm and the colors beautiful. Enjoy your sneak peek!


Behind the camera or infront?

I stepped behind the camera on the weekend in order to capture my 30th birthday.

Yes, behind the camera. My view as a photographer is that I am normally infront of the camera because I have to make the hard decisions on the settings and lighting in order to capture the photo. My clients, family and friends are normally positioned behind the camera where they need to be themselves and show their true connection as a couple or family. Playing, giggling, smiling and showing love is easy once you relax and enjoy the experience. I think the hard work lies with getting the frame, angle, shutter speed, depth and exposure correctly. A photo worth cherishing needs to be treated with care and details that the photographer needs to create, and sometimes that happens very quickly.

I decided that the last time I was behind the camera is when I got married, 8 years ago. A wedding day is much different from the everyday. I do wish that I had captured my pregnancies but it wasn’t something I wanted back then. Now, I wish I had. Pregnancy is beautiful!

To build up the anticipation of capturing my 30th birthday I hired a photographer and I made a cake. Now, let’s just say that my birthday lands on Thanksgiving weekend. Yes, I am thankful for all the great things in my life but honestly I am not so thankful for all the birthday pies. Once in a while a birthday cake with candles would be nice. I honestly can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a cake for my birthday!  In honor of my birthday I made a chocolate nutella buttercream cake with a fondant bow. Let’s say it was sort of like a cake smashing… but I didn’t sit on my cake or put my foot in the cake, I simply enjoyed my cake. Here is a picture of my beautiful cake prior to my session!

I must say it was hard for me to be behind the camera with no one else in the frame. I was a bit nervous but soon warmed up to the idea that this was about me. It didn’t take long for me to relax and enjoy the experience. It sure helped that Heather was able to bring out some natural smiles. I can’t wait to see the photos from my session. Cake eating, pumpkins, bridges and bears, oh my! Okay, there weren’t any bears!

Here is a follow up picture of my cake after my girls and I indulged in it.


Beautiful Rae of Sunshine

I am not able to blog photos from this session but really wish I could share the beauty with you. I will share some of this beauty with words.

A beautiful baby girl has been blessed with a wonderful and loving couple for her parents. A beautiful and loving couple has been blessed with a very precious and deserving little girl.

It is a beautiful event when a couple welcomes their own baby into their family. It is a beautiful, joyful and special event when you welcome someone else’s baby into your arms and promise to never let go. This couple displays so much love and joy for this little girl that it is like they are holding a beautiful Rae of sunshine in their arms. I believe that you would never know that they have adopted this little girl. I believe this little girl is loved very deeply by all the love and excitement that was shared with me today.

A and M definitely cherish her giggles, coos, beauty and baby R’s cries. They love her snuggles, her tiny hands and her cute little feet. She has gorgeous eyes and cute pouty lips. Baby R fits perfectly in Mommy’s arms and snuggles nicely on Daddy’s shoulders.

I can honestly say that spending 1.5 hours with this family left me with the greatest feeling that has lasted long into my evening. It is always very special to capture someone’s love and connection. It is even greater when you can walk away and think about how blessed this couple and this little girl are to have each other forever.


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
September 2010