Archive for May, 2010


Little E. is 3 Months

Little E. recently learned to smile. Mom and Dad says she usually smiles but she decided to hide them from me today. Another talent little E. has recently discovered is how to hold her head up high. Little E. was a sweetheart but I think she was a little camera shy. Thank you to Mommy and Daddy for inviting me to capture their little one this past weekend.


Roots – Mr. & Mrs. S.

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. S. as they recently married in Jamaica. I was not fortunate enough to tag along to Jamaica for their wedding but I was invited to capture wedding memories for them when they returned. They had a great time in Jamaica and married just steps from the ocean.

The cool, rainy weather livened up the park across from their house. The sky was vividly blue and spotted with fluffy, white clouds. Perfect scenery for the lovely couple. 

Thank you for the laughs, the dog slobber and for allowing me to capture your memories.


Happy Mother’s Day

A Mother goes by many names. – Mama, Ma, Mommy, Mom, etc.

A Mother is many people. – Mother-to-be, Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandma, Great Grandma, etc.

A Mother is a special person who gives rise to or exercises protective care over a son or daughter or both. We, as Mother’s perform tasks or duties in order to care for, protect, and keep our loved ones safe, happy, respectful, polite, loving, and teach them how to care for others.

My Mother is a 5.5 hour drive away from me but she didn’t miss her Happy Mother’s Day phone call. I was the second out of 4 kids to call her this morning. I am sure she felt loved.

My Mother-in-law is about 6.5 hours away. She is a special lady who is fighting Dementia and cannot communicate verbally but she can definitely show joy. Today, we could not be with her but hope she showed a lot of joy and was surrounded by loved ones.

As a Mommy, you may have received flowers from your kids today in hopes to bring a smile to your face. You may have received a homemade gift and breakfast in bed. These are signs of affection that they are showing to you because you have taught them to love others.

If you are a Mommy-to-be you have already experienced many great things of becoming a Mommy. You have watched a little one grow through ultrasounds, heard heartbeats and very quickly loved someone you haven’t yet held in your arms. This shows how quickly we can become nurturing and loving.

If you are a Mommy-to-be you have probably experienced some discomfort and pains of becoming a Mommy. You may have experienced heartburn, morning sickness, swollen feet, headaches, back aches, lack of sleep, and guilt for eating too many sweets. You may have also experienced a loss and may have given birth to an angel or lost someone at a very young age. My heart goes out to friends, their families and anyone else I haven’t met who must move past such a difficult time in their life.

A Mommy experiences tender moments. Moments that even when we are sleep deprived we can find enjoyment in 2:00 am feedings and bouts of gasiness. A Mother can even find a laugh and revisit memories from looking at a photograph of their newborn with the saddest face because we replay, in our minds, the sweetness and tenderness that accompany those moments.

As a Mother we are magical and kiss away a boo-boo. We become nurses and tend to all kinds of bumps, bruises, scrapes, fat lips, bloody noses and many other owies with our magical cream and bandaids. We, as Mother’s, are heroes to our little ones and can make anything better.

Mother’s become explorers and gather great knowledge of many insects and bugs along the way. Little ones collect many things and we must help them find homes for all of their spectacular collections from rocks, twigs, stickers, and even bugs.

As a Mother, you will be the greatest chef and grocery shopper. You will be the best reader and sheet tucker. You will be the best baker and ice-cream sundae maker. Mother’s are the best at being patient while their little ones become independent dressers. As a Mother, you will have the best watered garden and the freshest bouquets picked just for you. You will have the biggest art gallery and somehow the messiest painting shirt. As a Mother, you may stand your ground and leave the chocolate bar on the shelf at the store and they will forgive you. You will learn to deal with tantrums, screams and fights between siblings but somehow in a while you have taught them a great deal by letting them figure things out. As a Mother, you will receive many cuddles, hugs and kisses or bear hugs, raspberries and puppy dog kisses (like me).

I am Mommy and Mama. I am a proud Mommy to two beautiful little girls. They make me heart smile and cry. They make me lose my mind some days with all their screaming and fighting. We enjoy painting with our fingers and toes. We have learned to bake very messily but the baking always tastes great, even with less flour and chocolate chips. As a Mommy, I have watched the same movie 10 times in one week but never get sick of the cuddling.

As a Mommy, I have had my heart jump into my throat more than enough times. Whether climbing at 9 months, falling down a whole flight of stairs, having an encounter with a possibility of drowning at swimming lessons or jumping on top of the jumper instead of in it. Today, was not an exception, as we climbing up these stairs.

As a Mommy, I have learned many things about insects. Our pet ladybugs this year, all 3, have survived in our bug cage since Easter. Ladybugs need a wet paper towel and soggy raisins to survive. They will die quickly without water so my daughter ensures that we check the paper towel daily. Ladybugs lay eggs and are very protective. Since becoming a mommy-to-be this mommy has not left her post protecting them.

Our pet grasshopper lived in a bug cage for 2 weeks last year. Grasshoppers need grass and wet paper towel to survive. Hopper only went free when my daughter decided he pooped too much and needed to go home to his mommy.

They have taught me a lot in their few short years. I am a proud Mommy!

I hope each and every one of you Mommy-to-be’s, Mommy’s and Grandma’s had a wonderful day with your loved ones.


Weather in Alberta

I really enjoy heading outdoors for sessions but this weather is making that difficult.

A session was postponed due to cold, rainy weather. The weather was miserable with cold winds and cool temperatures. Finally, this past weekend we got to celebrate the B. family. The day started off a bit rainy but ended up nice enough for our session. The pictures look amazing with the blue, white and stormy looking sky. We had a lot of fun and ended our session with a light sprinkle.

This week we received quite a bit of snow. I did previously enjoy the rain and cooler temperatures, even though my girls drove me crazy, because I wanted a nice green canvas for an upcoming session. That session is now this weekend. I hope the snow melts, the grass is green and the temperature is nice.

To anyone that is reading this, please wish/pray for great weather the next couple of days. To H. and S., please cross your fingers and toes that we don’t have to postpone.

My daughter is done dreaming of snow and now wants sunshine to swim in the pool and play at the park. I think we all want sunshine and flowers in bloom.

Goodnight weather, please get out of bed on the right side tomorrow.


The B. Family Tree

This past sunday the B. family met me for a fun-filled session. Within the first five minutes the poor little guy J. fell and bumped his lip. He was brave and tired, but trucked on. Big brother E. showed me his greatest smile and his fun-filled nature of running and playing peek a boo. Big sister B. showed me her tenderness, her love for tree climbing and her playfulness. I truly had a fun time with your family and had fond memories as I looked through your session photos. It was a hard decision and I could have blogged many more for you, but I had to keep some surprises.

I find this photo very fitting for this family as they love to watch Star Wars.

Thanks for allowing me to capture your memories this past sunday.


All images are copyright of Apple Fresh Photography. For more information view the Copyright Page.
May 2010